Wissenschaft, die Wissen schafft

Gab es zunächst nur die vielen positiven Meldungen aus der täglichen Praxis weltweit, so untermauern heute immer mehr wissenschaftliche Studien die verblüffende Wirksameit der Klopfakupressur-Methode, so dass das „Klopfen“ mittlerweile zunehmend auch in etablierten Mediziner- und Therapeutenkreisen Anerkennung findet.
Siehe hierzu den Artikel von David Feinstein: APA Updates Its Position on Energy Psychology.
In diesem Zusammenhang kommt dem folgenden Artikel, der im Review of General Psychology (einer Fachzeitschrift der konservativen American Psychological Association – APA) erschienen ist, eine entscheidende Bedeutung zu:
Feinstein, D.: (2012): Acupoint stimulation in treating psychological disorders: Evidence in efficacy. Review of General Psychology (siehe unter Rubrik „Metastudien / Theorie“).

Thema Angst



Lee, S-W., Lee, Y-J., Yoo, S-W., Lee, R-D., Park, S-J. (2014): Case series of panic disorder patients treated with Oriental Medical treatments and EFT. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 25(1), 13-28.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of EFT on panic.
Methods: Three patients with panic disorders were treated with oriental medical treatments which involved acupuncture, herbal medications, moxibustion and emotional freedom techniques. Participants were diagnosed with panic disorder using, the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV), and assessed with the Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) upon admission and discharge.
Results: After treatment, both physical and psychological symptoms decreased.
Conclusions: This study suggested that EFT is an effective method for treating patients with panic disorders.





Erste Hilfe

Essverhalten / Gewicht





Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung

Schlaf / Traum

Schmerz körperlicher





Bougea, A. M., Spandideas, N., Alexopoulos, E. C., Thomaides, T., Chrousos, G. P., & Darviri, C. (2013): Effect of the Emotional Freedom Technique on Perceived Stress, Quality of Life, and Cortisol Salivary Levels in Tension-Type Headache Sufferers: A Randomized Controlled Trial. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 9(2), 91-99.

Objective: To evaluate the short-term effects of the emotional freedom technique (EFT) on tension-type headache (TTH) sufferers.
Design: We used a parallel-group design, with participants randomly assigned to the emotional freedom intervention (n = 19) or a control arm (standard care n = 16).
Setting: The study was conducted at the outpatient Headache Clinic at the Korgialenio Benakio Hospital of Athens
Participants: Thirty-five patients meeting criteria for frequent TTH according to International Headache Society guidelines were enrolled.
Intervention: Participants were instructed to use the EFT method twice a day for two months.
Outcome Measures: Study measures included the Perceived Stress Scale, the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, and the Short-Form questionnaire-36. Salivary cortisol levels and the frequency and intensity of headache episodes were also assessed.
Results: Within the treatment arm, perceived stress, scores for all Short-Form questionnaire-36 subscales, and the frequency and intensity of the headache episodes were all significantly reduced. No differences in cortisol levels were found in any group before and after the intervention.
Conclusions: EFT was reported to benefit patients with TTH. This randomized controlled trial shows promising results for not only the frequency and severity of headaches but also other lifestyle parameters.









Song, S-Y., Lee, J-H., Suh, J-W., Kwon, C-Y., & Kim, J-W. (2014): Qualitative analysis of the influence of an Emotion Freedom Techniques (EFT) group treatment program for Hwa-Byung (suppressed anger) patients. Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry, 25(1), 29-38.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to examine the effects of Emotion FreedomTechniques (EFT) group treatment program for Hwa-byung (suppressed anger) patients.
Methods: Thirteen Hwa-byung patients participated in a four week program of EFT group treatment. One-hour sessions were administered weekly. Between sessions, participants self-administered EFT in order to control their symptoms. Four weeks after the program ended, we interviewed the participants using a semi-structured interview. Data collected was summarized using qualitative analysis.
Results: The EFT group treatment program produced positive effects in physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms. Most of the participants experienced relief from Hwabyung symptoms like chest tightness, hot flashes, and insomnia. Their ability to cope with stress improved and their re-experiencing of past memories decreased. Their distorted self-images were improved. A decrease in negative emotions and an increase in positive emotions was noted. Participants were able control their symptoms between sessions with EFT. In addition, the group therapy format helped participants to develop social support.
Conclusions: An EFT group treatment program can relieve the physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms of Hwa-byung. This program can be applied in psychotherapeutic treatment of Hwa-byung.


Verschiedene Themen

Metastudien / Theorie